Jumat, 15 September 2017

Sapardi Djoko Damono

Sapardi Djoko Damono 

Sapardi Djoko Damono was born in Solo, Central Java, on 20 March 1940, and spent his childhood and adolescent years in his hometown. He studied English literature at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, and has translated many works of fiction and poetry from English into Indonesian. He was editor of the Indonesian literary magazines Basis, Horison, and Kalam. Now he is Professor Emeritus at the University of Indonesia’s Faculty of Humanities.
Among his poetry collections are Mata Pisau (Knife Point, 1974), Sihir Hujan (Rain Spell, 1984), Hujan Bulan Juni (Rain of June, 1994), Arloji (Wristwatch, 1999), Ayat-Ayat Api (Verses of Fire, 2000), Mata Jendela (Window’s Eye, 2001), Ada Berita Apa Hari Ini, Den Sastro? (What’s the News Today, Den Sastro?, 2002), and Kolam (Pond, 2009). He also writes short stories and has published two collections, Pengarang Telah Mati (The Author is Dead, 2001) and Membunuh Orang Gila (Killing a Madman, 2003). He compiled Mantra Orang Jawa (Mantras of the Javanese, 2005). His essay collections are, among others, Kesusastraan Indonesia Modern: Beberapa Catatan (Modern Indonesian Literature: Some Notes, 1983), Politik Ideologi dan Sastra Hibrida (Politics of Ideology and Hybrid Literature, 1999), and Sihir Rendra: Permainan Makna (Rendra’s Magic: Play of Meaning, 2000). His poems are included in several anthologies, such as Fire in the Sea: An Anthology of Poetry and Art (1996) and World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time (1998).

Hujan Bulan Juni

By Sapardi Djoko Damono

“tak ada yang lebih tabah
dari hujan bulan Juni
dirahasiakannya rintik rindunya
kepada pohon berbunga itu

tak ada yang lebih bijak
dari hujan bulan Juni
dihapusnya jejak-jejak kakinya
yang ragu-ragu di jalan itu

tak ada yang lebih arif
dari hujan bulan Juni
dibiarkannya yang tak terucapkan
diserap akar pohon bunga itu”

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